PTAM Review

PTAM (Parallel Tracking and Mapping) Paper Review




  • AR with a hand-held camera
  • Visual Tracking provides registration
  • Track without prior model of world


  • Challenges:

    • Speed
    • Accuracy
    • Robustness
    • Interaction with real world

Model-based tracking vs SLAM

  • Model-based tracking is

    • More robust
    • More accurate


Frame-by-frame SLAM

  • Updating entire map every frame is expensive
  • Mandates sparse map of high-quality features


Our approach

  • Use dense map (of low-quality features)
  • Don’t update the map every frame: Keyframes
  • Split the tracking and mapping into two threads


  • Tracking Thread vs Mapping Thread


Mapping Thread


Asynchronous mapping thread

Asynchronous mapping thread

Stereo Initialization

  • Use five-point-pose algorithm (Stewenius et al ‘06)
  • Requires a pair of frames and feature correspondences
  • Provides initial map
  • User input required:

    • Two clicks for two keyframes
    • Smooth motion for feature correspondence

Wait for new keyframe

  • Keyframes are only added if:

    • There is a baseline to the other keyframes
    • Tracking quality is good
  • When a keyframe is added:

    • The mapping thread stops whatever it is doing
    • All points in the map are measured in the keyframe
    • New map points are found and added to the map

Add new map points

  • Want as many map points as possible
  • Check all maximal FAST corners in the keyframe:

    • Check Shi-Tomasi score (GFTT)
    • Check if already in map
  • Epipolar search in a neighbouring keyframe
  • Triangulate matches and add to map
  • Repeat in four image pyramid levels

Optimise map

  • Use batch SFM method: Bundle Adjustment
  • Adjusts map point positions and keyframe poses
  • Minimises reprojection error of all points in all keyframes (or use only last N keyframes)
  • Cubic complexity with keyframes, linear with map points
  • Compatible with M-estimators (we use Tukey)

    // This is the Tukey biweight loss function which aggressively
    // attempts to suppress large errors.
    class CERES_EXPORT TukeyLoss final : public ceres::LossFunction {
      explicit TukeyLoss(double a) : a_squared_(a * a) {}
      void Evaluate(double, double*) const override;
      const double a_squared_;

Map Maintenance

  • When camera is not exploring, mapping thread has idle time

    • use this to improve the map
  • Data association in bundle adjustment is reversible
  • Re-attempt outlier measurements
  • Try to measure new map features in all old keyframes

Tracking Thread


  • Responsible estimation of camera pose and rendering augmented graphics
  • Must run at 30Hz
  • Make as robust and accurate as possible
  • Track/render loop with two tracking stages

Pre-process frame

  1. Make mono and RGB version of image


  2. Make four pyramid levels


  3. Detect FAST corners


Project Points

  • Use motion model to update camera pose
  • Project all map points into image to see which are visible, and at what pyramid level
  • Choose subset to measure

    • ~50 biggest features for coarse stage (in high level image pyramid)
    • ~1000 randomly selected for fine stage

Measure Points

  • Generate 8x8 matching template (warped from source keyframe)
  • Search a fixed radius around projected position

    • Use zero-mean SSD
    • Only search at FAST corner points
  • Up to 10 inverse composition iterations for sub-pixel position (for some patches)
  • Typically find 60-70% of patches

Update camera pose

  • 6-DOF problem
  • 10 IRWLS iterations
  • Tukey M-Estimator

Draw graphics

  • What can we draw in an unknown scene?

    • Assume single plane visible at start
    • Run VR simulation on the plane
  • Radial distortion want proper blending

Tracking Quality Monitoring

  • Heuristic check based on fraction of found measurements
  • Three quality levels: Good, Poor, Lost

    • Only add to map on Good
    • Stop tracking and relocalise on Lost




Written by@Miller Shin (SeungRyeol Shin)
Robotics Engineer | ROS | AMR(Autonomous Mobile Robot) | Agricultural Robot | SLAM & Navigation | Robotics Application
